Photo by: Eric Dekker

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Trusted support for building your outdoor business.

Similar to taking up a new outdoor activity, it’s easier to start a company and to stick with it when you have experienced mentors to show you the way, skills for navigating different scenarios, and a community for motivation. That’s where we come in.


Join the Founded Outdoors community for entrepreneurs. Our free online community is a space to connect with other outdoor business owners, get feedback on your products and services, and build momentum to move your business forward. We do online peer groups, share resource guides, and bring in investors, experienced entrepreneurs, and domain experts. (Image by Brooke Cagle)

Embark Program

Embark is a virtual, 3-month program developed in collaboration with REI Co-op Path Ahead Ventures. The curriculum, designed for new and aspiring entrepreneurs, offers the resources and guidance to turn early-stage ideas into viable businesses. We work with entrepreneurs from Black, Indigenous, Latina/o/x, and Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities.

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